Directed by Manu Warrier, who is a newcomer to Mollywood but he is already done his projects in Bollywood as a director and writer. Manu's debut was Pehla Sitara as a scriptwriter and his directorial debut was Coffee Bloom in 2015 starring Arjun Mathur. He also wrote for Anurag Kashyap's TV Mini-Series Yudh starring Amitabh Bachchan. Produced by the wife of actor Prithviraj Supriya Menon, under the banner of Prithviraj Productions. It's the third production venture of the house. The cinematography is by Abhinandan Ramanujam and the music is composed by Jake Bijoy with lyrics by Rafeeq Ahmed. The screenplay is prepared by Anish Palliyal.
Title poster released on 29th November by Prithviraj Sukumaran through his social media pages. The shooting of the film commenced on December 9th, 2020. The major location is in Erattupetta of Kottayam district. The shooting of the movie has been completed on 4th January 2021.
Kuruthi movie was released on August 11th of 2021 through Amazon Prime Video as Onam release. The film's theatre release was planned for 13th May 2021 and postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic situation.
Video Jukebox
Futility Of Hate
Sujeesh Hari .. Lyricist
Sangeetha, Alan joy Mathew .. Singers
Laiq - The Fury Of Hate Theme Music
Rafeeq Ahmed .. Lyricist
Keshav Vinod .. Singer
Vetta Mrigam
Rafeeq Ahmed .. Lyricist
Zia Ul Haq, Resmi Sateesh .. Singers
Ibrahim, otherwise known as Ibru, is this strict Muslim man who lost his better half and child in an avalanche that happened a year prior. He hasn't actually recuperated from that misfortune, and he has a neighbor named Preman who additionally lost his darlings. The groups of Ibru and Preman are near one another consequently. One night a cop goes to Ibru's home with a homicide denounced and looks for cover as he was getting assaulted by certain individuals.>
Roshan Mathew as Ibrahim
Mamu Koya
Shine Tom Chacko
Murali Gopy
Manikandan R Achari
Navas Vallikkunnu
Naslen K Gafoor
Sagar Suryan
Manu Warrier .. Director
Supriya Menon .. Producer
Anish Palliyal .. Writer
Abinandhan Ramanujam .. Cinematography
Akhilesh Mohan .. Editor
Gokuldas .. Art Director
Amal .. Makeup
Irshad Cherukkunnu .. Costumes
Jakes Bejoy .. Background Score
* .. Production Controller
* .. Action
* .. Pro
Sinat Savier .. Stills
Anand Rajendran .. Designs